IRI’s Covert Operations: Training Opposition to Topple Hasina’s Government

 IRI’s Covert Operations: Training Opposition to Topple Hasina’s Government

The political unrest in Bangladesh is not something that has happened suddenly, the current situation in Bangladesh has some serious backing, it may be political forces, foreign policies, opposition, artists, youth, and the civilians of Bangladesh. Various nations have warned Hasina regarding the political situation in Bangladesh that was deteriorating day by day.

If Russia and India were aware of the upcoming political unrest in Bangladesh, wasn’t Sheikh Hasina aware of it?

Amid all the controversies and speculations regarding the current political situation in Bangladesh, a very confidential report has been leaked, it is something that has all the records of every program funded and backed by the IRI (International Republican Institute) as per the name, it automatically suggests who are the people behind this organization. A shocking claim was made, that the current situation of Bangladesh and the toppling of Hasina-led government in Bangladesh is something that has been meticulously planned and executed by the IRI. The US has always been interested in St. Martin’s Island in Bangladesh. The US has always wanted to set up a military base in Bangladesh’s St. Martin’s Island. The IRI records show that the IRI has very intelligently planned the removal of Sheikh Hasina from Bangladesh.

As per an article published by the GRAYZONE, the IRI has conducted 48 group interviews, individual interviews, and 304 key informants. 170 democratic activists would cooperate with the IRI to destabilize the political scenario of Bangladesh. As per the leaked report, the IRI has 304 key informants from both traditional and non-traditional civic actors and 170 democratic activists who would cooperate with the IRI in order to destabilize the government or the Sheikh Hasina-led government.

When the IRI understood that the political scenario was more than stable in Bangladesh under the Hasina-led government, the IRI decided to move their attention towards street protest rather than ballot capture. Besides considering the Awami League as inevitable, the IRI considered the BNP as one of the most powerful and influential political parties that could topple Sheikh Hasina from her administrative powers. So, in the name of cultural, technological, and educational development, the IRI started to refocus on the Internet and mobile technology.Kureghorwas directly promoted by the biggest internet-based Bangladeshi music band. This was one of the first street movements in Bangladesh with an evident number of protesters.

Then came the influential people in Bangladesh, in between 2019-20, IRI issued 11 advocacy grants to artists, musicians, performers, and organizations, viewed around 4,00,000 times. Even the IRI supported theLGBTIto prove that people can stand against orthodoxy and the ideological government of Bangladesh. The IRI has even mentioned about 3 dance performances in the year with the presence of around 100 government officials including officials from the US.

One of the most noticed funding that has been recorded by the IRI by grants supporting 2 musical videos of the famous rapper in Bangladesh-Toufique Ahmad and interestingly two of his Music videos posted on YouTube and Facebook have gained significant views in Bangladesh. These music videos-Tui Parish”-You Can andEday Kaarspoke about the people of Bangladesh and the oppressive rule of political parties and injustice on people, especially on women such as domestic violence and rape softly suggesting them to protest.

College students were of major interest to the IRI, they intended to attack and hack the young minds of Bangladesh and initiate the movement as a student protest.

On the other hand, Muhammad Yunus had a strong connection with Bill and Hillary Clinton for a very long time, they gradually supported the Gramin Bank process of small financing and lending money, gaining significant interest from those small lone. Muhammad Yunus would have been exiled a long ago in relation to corruption and money laundering but, the US support made him free from being arrested.

Both Yunus and IRI had a joint interest in Bangladesh, Yunus wanted to gain political power whereas the IRI tried to set up a military base in Bangladesh which was not possible with Sheikh Hasina being in power. So, the IRI funded the whole process. But the results are somewhat incomplete as Biden was overthrown by Donald Trump in the last US election.

IRI’s leaked report has been a major force in confirming the influence of Biden and the deep state on Bangladesh.


Shreya Naskar

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