Current status of the St. Martin Island

 Current status of the St. Martin Island

St. Martin Island has been a subject of discussion since a very long time. Recently an incident sparked at that the Island, the island is said to have caught fire reasoning it to be a short circuit that sparked at a resort and then spreading to a broader area. An official notice stated, tourism is restricted for an uncertain period of time as an after math of the fire. Tourism was again allowed by the Bangladeshi interim government on St. Martin’s Island. Was the really from a short circuit? Or a man-made fire?

The Bangladeshi interim government again restricted tourism on the St. Martin’s Island for 9 months started from 1st February, 2025 as the closure is due to environmental concerns and climate change. The reports came from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Is it the true reason for the closure? If the reason was really climate change, then why only St. Martin’s Island and not any other coastal area?

According to sources, the St. Martin’s Island has been captured by the Arakan Army and is in its full control. The student protest that rose in Bangladesh in the month of August, 2024 naming it to be a protest against the quota system and government jobs and led they’re the then Prime Minister to flee the country, was not really a student protest but a mere conspiracy related to the St. Martin’s Island to establish an interim government headed by noble laurate Mohammad Yunus, and now he has itself lost control of St. Martin’s Island.

In March, 2024 a delegation from India met the Arakan Army representatives regarding a river project. This may have been a meeting of other discussions and also at the same time may not be a meeting for other discussions. 

As per an article published by the Reuters, the Indian government has discretely met the Arakan army and other groups and had a discussion with each group one after the other, are these meetings of significant importance for India, Bangladesh or Myanmar?

On the other hand, China already has access to a Bangladeshi sea route through the Cok’s Bazar since the signing of the natural gas project deal with Sheikh Hasina.

The St. Martin’s Island has been a serious matter of discussion for a few countries. The American deep state, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the Arakan army.

Anti-India George Soros’s son has met Muhammad Yunus in Dhaka this year, amid the ongoing political concerns in Bangladesh.

Though at present, the Arakan army has full control over the St. Martin’s Island, with whom the will the Island be? which country is going to control the St. Martin’s Island?

A number of questions arises, and the dots can only be connected with time.   

Shreya Naskar

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